Set Up POS Terminal

Set up and troubleshoot your point-of-sale hardware and connected network. Get help with devices, printers, and accessories.

Your ABC POS Xpress package comes with:

  1. POS terminal & power adopter
  2. Thermal Receipt Printer & power adopter
  3. Cash drawer & cash drawer cable (optional)
  4. Label printer & power adopter (optional)
  5. Kitchen/Bar Thermal Receipt Printer & power adopter (optional)
  6. Credit card machine & power adopter (optional)
  7. Switch (optional)

Varipos 250  link

Varipos Hardware(w. KP)

Posbank Apexa link


Connecting POS Device

  1. Make sure all the devices are turned off (POS & customer-facing screen)
  2. Plugging in the 2nd display and turn on your POS device