Release Note - Back Office V65

Here is the release note for BO. If you are looking for POS or Add-on functions, please take a look at other pages.

New Feature

1. Added the ability to quickly customize stores with special hours and closure dates, such as for holidays
2. Additionally, a new feature has been introduced that allows users to pause stores for a set duration, during which the store will stop taking in orders


1. Improved the UI display and user experience when on the Email Campaign Template page
2. After changing an item detail and saving, the page will return to the same category page
3. After editing a dish in the item list, the list will automatically load to where the last edited item was
4. The menu content shown when ordering is the same as the ones that were selected when editing the menu book
5. Product modification toggles for 'Online Order' are synced together

6. Branch invoice detail report now shows the last 4 digits of card info

7. Added a separate column to display gratuity
