Release Note - Back Office V59

Here is the release note for BO. If you are looking for POS or Add-on functions, please take a look at other pages.

05/17/2024 Update


1. For the purchase order feature, we redesigned 'create new order' and 'add Invoice order' pages

--Allow the company and internal vendor to edit the purchase order

--Allow users to create an item for an external vendor when they input an invoice order

--Allow users to change their invoice order after created

--Add a new field 'Fax' to 'Vendor Profile Page'


2. Add a default setting for a void reason and set the first option as the default

3. Add a percentage character to the name of the CC process fee

4. For the Inventory feature, it keeps the same place when the user returns to the inventory list page from the detail page

5. Online Order add a payment service fee setting module

6. Removed the ability for users to set the tip font size on sales receipts

7. The overview report page adds the loyalty reload amount

8. The BO reporting section adds dedicated support for retail business types



Bug Fix

1. Fix the issue that enterprise login will load the first enabled menu