Log in and sign up for loyalty program on Kiosk
If “Enable Loyalty on Kiosk” is turned on from the Back Office Kiosk Cloud Settings, the Loyalty screens wouldn’t be skipped. Otherwise, the Loyalty screen shows up. The customer can enter their name, phone number, and email address to join the loyalty program and start earning points by taking orders.
They can also switch to Sign In, enter their phone number to find their existing information in the system, and then earn points with this order taken.
Adding a cake to the order
When adding an order to the order, there can be more than 3 options for the size variations. So, when the customer chooses a cake, they will need to select the size first. It shows the base prices for each size.
When taking an order with a cake item, the customer cannot add other items to the order. The cake can then be decided when and where it will be picked up.
Finish the pickup information
After confirming the order, the customer will then be able to enter their information and pickup details. If the customer has already signed up/in for loyalty, they don’t need to enter their name and phone number again here. The customer information entered will be saved to your customer profile list.
Then, the customer needs to select the pickup details. Firstly, they need to select the location to pick up the cake. The customer is required to pay full price for the order if they want to pick the cake up at another location. Then, they can select the date and time to pick up the cake. By default, it’s set to 2 days from the date when the order is placed at 12pm. After finishing, the customer can pay for the order as any other order and then pick up the order at the selected location and at the selected time.