HandPOS is a new product of ABC POS for taking dine-in orders and payments anywhere in the restaurant with portable devices.
Order Types: Dine-in consumes foods and beverages while seated at tables
Setup Device
Step 1:Download the App
Open Sunmi's app store and download the ‘ABC HandPOS’ APP and SUNMI app;
Step 2:Import the JSON files
Generate two parameters JSON file. And move them to the 'Download' folder within HandPOS;
AppParams.json and DeviceParams.json
Contact Ping to generate these two files.
Step 3:Check the merchant info and activate
Open the 'SUNMI' App, input username and password, and finish the login. The account info will be assigned when a new device is sent. Click the 'Menu' tab at the bottom of the index page, and then click 'Setting' as the next step. Then, click 'Merchant Settings' and enter the merchant info page.
Check this info, make sure everything is correct, and click the 'Activation' button. After that, when you see a 'success', means activation is done.
Home page:
Login: on the Login screen, enter the Employee Pin Number for the first time login( eg: 123). If you entered the wrong pin number, the notification “You have no permission” would pop out.
Change Language: tap the language icon to switch languages.
More: Click the “⋮” at the top right corner for more settings. You will see more terminal settings, which will allow you to reload the POS.
Exit: tap the “Exit” button to exit POS and back to the Login screen,. You need to enter the Employee Pin Number again to log in.
Taking Dine-in Order:
Order processing:
Select the table
Enter the number of guests
Add items to the order and note some special requests if needed
Send the order to the kitchen
Make payment
Clear the table
Table Status (color):
Yellow - it means “Seated”, table will be changed to yellow color when the order has been held without sending any item to the kitchen.
Orange - it means “Sent”, table will be changed to orange color when the order is sent to the kitchen.
Blue - it means “Check”, table will be changed to blue color when the check is printed out.
Green - it means “Paid”, table will be changed to green color when the order has been paid but not clear table yet.
Purple - it means “Shared”, table will be changed to purple color when the table has been shared and it has more than one order.
Light Blue (default color) - it means “Available”, table will be changed to light blue from different color when the orders on the table have been paid and the table already cleared.
Order Functions:
Multi-select or single-select:
when you need to choose more than one item, tap “multi-select”, then select multiple items, these selected items’ backgrounds will be colored, and you can take the same action for those selected. When you tap “multi-select”, the button will switch to “single-select”.
Send all, Send select or Send:
you can send the order to the kitchen for preparation when the guest has been ordered. Once the items are sent to the kitchen, these items’ backgrounds will be colored. If a table has an open check with all sent items, then the table will turn orange on the table screen.
the button is used when you add items to a check but aren't ready to send them to the kitchen yet. This feature is useful if you just placed an appetizer order, but don't want to re-ring in the entree later. Or if part of the table orders and then the rest of the table asks you to come back to finish taking orders later.
Special Request:
An employee has the ability to add special instructions or notes called Special Requests to an item. These notes can be used as instructions for the kitchen, as allergy notifications, or as a specific modifier that might not yet exist in the menu.
Add, Minus, or Delete:
When you select the item on the order screen, you can add, minus, or delete the item.
Discount (in order screen before sending order):
You can configure discounts that reduce the price of a check or an item by either a specific currency amount or by a specific percentage. The currency amount or percent value is either configured in the discount or set by the restaurant employee when they apply for the discount. You can either discount the whole order or a single item before sending the order to the kitchen.
Discount whole order: do not select any item before the discount
Discount single item: select at least one of the items and then discount
A comped meal is a free meal at a restaurant. The word “comped” or “comping” comes from the word “complimentary.” *Note: this function is only available when you select at least one item.
You can add a breakline when you would like to order a new item different from the treated item. *Note: this function is only available when you select at least one item.
Price Override:
A price override is a feature of a retail management system that allows an authorized person to change the automated price of a product or service, in order to apply a discount. Price overrides occur for a variety of reasons. One common reason is to discount damaged goods. Another is employee discounts and discounts given to other groups. *Note: this function is only available when you select at least one item.
You can provide some information for your choice of item. *Note: this function is only available when you select at least one item.
As an employee, you can load the order, which is your open table, to review the order’s details.
Discount (in order screen after sent order):
You can configure discounts that reduce the price of a check by either a specific currency amount or by a specific percent. The currency amount or percent value is either configured in the discount, or set by the restaurant employee when they apply for the discount.
*Note: you can only discount the whole order after sending the order to the kitchen.
Bills can be split in different ways depending on the needs of customers. Users can split evenly, by dish or custom.
Split Evenly - The number of default split checks is the guest number.
Split By Dish - There are two default split checks. You can split the order by dish.
Split Custom - You can split the order by custom amount.
The check will be printed out.
Table Management:
Share Table:
When there are more than 1 party seating at the same table, the Share Table feature allows the staff to add another order on the table.
When adding a new order to the table, it’s also required to enter the number of guests first before the server can start taking the order.
When there are more than 1 order on the same table, tapping the table will show a list of orders first with the order detailed information including the order number, party size, etc. Tap an order to see the order preview and edit or pay for the order. Tap the “+ Add Party” button to add another order to the table.
When reopening a dine-in order, the order will be added to the original table as well. If there is an order already on the table, the table will be shared.
Clear Table:
You can clear tables if the orders are paid. If one or more orders did not pay on the table that you want to clear, the table will not be clear and the screen will go back to the table screen.
Combining orders can be used when the customer takes multiple orders on different tables. Then, when they decide to pay for the meal together, the server can combine those orders.
Tap “Combine” to start combining the selected order with other orders. After tapping the button, a list of open dine-in orders will show up for selection.
On the Combine Order modal window, you can see all the orders with the Table number and Order number. Tap to select an order. You can select multiple orders to combine with the current order. Once confirmed, tap the “Done” button below.
Tapping any one of the tables will show the combined order with the same order information. Paying for the order will close the order on all the tables.
Switch Table:
When a group of customers is not satisfied with their table or has more guests to join them when the table is not big enough, they might ask to switch to another table.
The server can switch the table of an order by tapping the “Switch Table” button on.
After tapping the button, it will show a list of tables to select from. After selecting a table, the order will be moved to that table. If there is already an order on that table, the table will become a shared table.
Change Server:
You can change the server if you want.
You can change the server of an order by tapping the “Switch Server” button.
After tapping the button, it will show a list of servers to select from. After selecting a server, the server name will be changed to the order detail.
Order List:
All orders:
The screen shows all the dine-in orders and you can see the order’s details by tapping in.
Open orders:
The screen shows all the dine-in OPEN orders and you can see the order’s details by tapping in. Once you tap in one of the open orders, the “Load, Send, Discount, Split, Check, Pay, Share Table, Clear Table, Tip, Combine, Switch Table, Change Server” functions are available.
Closed orders:
The screen shows all the dine-in CLOSED orders and you can see the order’s details by tapping in. Once you tap on one of the closed orders, the order marked with PAID and the “Check, Clear Table” functions are available.
Void orders:
The screen shows all the dine-in VOID orders.
All orders: the screen shows the report for all the dine-in orders.
Open orders: the screen shows the report for all dine-in OPEN orders.
Closed orders: the screen shows the report for all dine-in CLOSED orders.
Void orders: the screen shows the report for all dine-in VOID orders.
Payment Methods:
ABC HandPOS supports a variety of payment methods
Cash Payment
Credit Card/ Debit Card Payment
Gift Card
Payment Feature:
You can tap the Print button on the payment screen to print out order checks.
Discount (in payment screen):
You can configure discounts that reduce the price of a check by either a specific currency amount or by a particular percentage. The currency amount or percent value is either configured in the discount or set by the restaurant employee when they apply for the discount. *Note: you can only discount the whole order on the payment screen.
Surcharging is when a merchant applies additional fees on transactions that ask customers to pay for additional fees such as packaging fees.
Tax Exempt:
it indicates whether that particular check, rather than the items or service charges on it, is exempt from taxation.