Setting Up a Weighted Menu Item

How to set up a weighted item

Setting Up a Weighted Menu Item

How to set up a weighted item

Create a weighted menu item

  1. Pricing> Scale Item: Switch On(green)
  2. Select how you want to calculate it: by pound, by ounce…
  3. Enter the price: how much per _______

Selling a weighed item

There are two situations of selling a weighed item on POS

1. The scale is not connected to the POS

  1. Go to POS “Order Page”
  2. Find the menu item with a scale image

  3. Select the item and enter the weight. Then tap “confirm”
  4. The item will be added to the order list.

2. Scale is connected

  1. Go to POS “Order Page”
  2. Find the menu item with a scale image
  3. Click the item and see the scale screen popup
  4. The item will be added to the order list 
  5. The item will be added to the order list.